Multimodal Personal Essay

Multimodal Statement: My multimodal paper took a different approach compared to others. I decided to tell a story from my childhood that played a key role in my growth as a person. I incorporated the picture of Shayne and his mother to put a face to who I was talking about. When you are reading an essay or piece of literature, I often find it tough to picture the characters in my head and it can be tough to try and create a personal connection. This is the reason why I added the picture so that the reader is able to create a personal connection and not just skim over the beginning statement. It also catches the readers attention when glancing over the text. Next, I italicized some of my words to try and really emphasize emotions when I was typing this essay. Whenever I am reading a piece of literature, seeing italicized words makes them stand out and it creates a type of emphasize on the word. I also changed the color of my thesis statement to red. Red sticks out and grabs the readers attention so for me to highlight my thesis in red created the reader to attach to my thesis idea throughout the essay. Lastly, I created text on the page to be bigger or smaller depending on what I was talking about, this creates an emphasize on the idea I am trying to portray (like italicizing the words).